Friday, August 20, 2010

The Buddy Walk is Coming!

These days, it seems like every charity has a 5K walk, but there is one in particular I'd love to see you attend.

Good morning, Sara Celi here.

The 2010 Buddy Walk for the National Down Syndrome Society is on September 11th this year, just a few weeks away. This year FOX19 is a partner in the walk, so you might have seen my colleague Steve Horstmeyer in some ads for the walk.

It's a great event. I walked in it a few years ago, and I found the families so inspiring. Most of the people walking in this event are part of the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati. The DSAGC is such a great organization that offers support for families raising kids with Down Syndrome.

I know this because I've watched a friend of mine get much needed help and guidance from DSAGC in the last year. I'm not going to tell you her name here (she's too shy)--but this friend of mine found out last summer that her first born child would be born with Down Syndrome about two months before she had him.

She's only 28--so this was a shocker--but life sometimes gives you these kind of curve balls. Needless to say, it's been a tough year, but Mrs. Not-To-Be-Named has really enjoyed the support and the love that the Down Syndrome community in our area has given her.

The Buddy Walk not only celebrates the DSAGC, but it raises money for research and assistance on a national level.

And as someone who has known my friend for more than 10 years, I can't imagine a more worthy walk. Her son just turned 1, and he's amazing. He is the cutest kid I have ever seen, and not one person in our circle of friends can imagine life without him. He may have Down Syndrome, but it doesn't matter to us. We love him just the way God made him.

So lets support the 2010 Buddy Walk!

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