Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday flowers (double dose)

Huge Easter bouquet (yes, I have pictures of the entire thing, but I like this lopped off one best).

flower tops
{flower tops}

And simple rust red ranunculus for the apartment (in the most adorable 1/4 liter jar that I found at the thrift store a while ago).

rust red ranunculus
{rust red ranunculus}

The week in review:

polished off an entire jar of cornichons in 1 hour, no sharing
made earnest headway on my taxes
had real cream (leftover from easter) in my tea every morning

found a huge lump on Circe's side - we're collectively freaking out*
(benign tumors are very common in dogs, so we are trying to stay calm)
haven't cooked a single meal this week - too tired
realized how much I might owe in taxes, head started to explode

*It's actually hard to detect the freaking out stage in my family because we're pretty stoic in general. No one cries (much) or shouts or runs around in a panic. We get quiet, we eat a bit less and clean a bit more and sleep as much as possible. Basically, we would make the worst candidates ever for a reality television show.

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