Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Good morning, Sara here.

If you follow me on Twitter or just know me in general, you know I've been going through a rough spot with sleep lately.

Some days, I can sleep deeper and fuller than I could ever imagine.

Then, there are nights like last night. It's probably a good thing my husband didn't encounter me last night. I wasn't a happy person.

I came home from work at noon, ran some errands, and had the full intention of being inside of a blissful dream by 4:00PM. I just felt my body needed the extra rest (I know, I know, it's funny to think of someone trying to sleep at at time when most people are finishing out their natural work day--but give me some slack. I had been up since 2:15AM!).

The appointed hour came and went, and so far, so good. I was in bed, cozy, and inside the kind of dream that promised a good night of relaxation.

Then the phone rang.

Three separate times. Three separate calls.

The final call was work related and came at about 6 PM. I am not ashamed to say it was the most jarring. Sleep was no longer in my grasp after that. She drifted away and didn't return for four and a half hours.

Instead, I just lay there, wishing she'd come back. By the time she did, it almost didn't matter. I only had a few hours left before the alarm.

A lot of people have asked me if I have tried medicine or herbal remedies to sleep, and I have an answer. Unfortunately, everything I've tried has left me feeling like I'm in a fog the next day. I don't want to miss out on my waking life.

So I am stuck.

Any suggestions?

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