Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shopping hiatus, week 1

Week 1 flew by with very few temptations. We did do a bit of thrifting over the weekend, looking for very specifically sized filing cabinets (struck out) and I couldn't resist this sugar bowl and creamer set.

"new" sugar + creamer
{"new" sugar bowl and creamer}

They're English china and I love the simple design. They are thrifted, so they don't break my rules. At $7, they were also a pretty good deal.

Sadly, I was forced to buy something new. My nose stud lost its gemstone and I had to bite the bullet and order a new one. Despite the obvious fact that I can't purchase something like that used (ick), there is only one retailer who stocks appropriately subtle, thin gauge, solid gold nose studs (the only kind my nose will tolerate). Bummer.

We had a documentary viewing marathon on Sunday and many of them were relevant to the shopping hiatus.

What Would Jesus Buy? was not quite as amazing as I had hoped. I thought that it was an actual church, rather than a performance/activist protest group. It was still interesting.

Maxed Out was an excellent look at our country's increasing reliance on credit and it almost made me cry.

Surfwise was not technically about finances, but it was an amazing documentary that touched on earning money vs. living the life you want. It's about a couple who raise their nine (!) kids in a camper van and drive around the country surfing and living a really simple life. The beginning is hysterically funny and then it gets a bit sad. Highly recommend.

Not at all related to the hiatus, but awesome: we also watched Valentino: The Last Emperor. Full of lots of couture eye candy and a pack of adorable pugs.

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