Tuesday, September 9, 2008




And after:


Sorry, these are not the greatest pictures of the new wall, but I was too impatient to share and I took them this morning and there wasn't enough light. I'll probably try to get some better ones at some point and share them instead.


This might be my favorite part of the new wall. I was moaning about the fact that my cherished vintage Dansk dishes were hidden away in a dark cupboard and I suddenly thought about just sticking them on the wall. And D agreed! Impatiently, I wanted to just tack them up any old way, but D convinced me to trace them on newspaper and cut them out and play with positioning them. I like this arrangement because it leaves plenty of room for any pieces I might come across in the future.

I was initially nervous about letting go of the orange wall, because we both really loved it, but I LOVE the aqua (Behr paint from Home Depot in Surfer) and I'm glad I followed my instincts. This isn't completely finished, but it's so close that I'm thrilled. I'll get better pictures and post them in the next couple weeks, when we've made some more headway.

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