Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Snowy

He's not exactly new, seeing as he accidentally joined our family back in October, during the epic weekend of dog misadventures. We tried to find his owner, by putting up flyers and spreading the word and checking Craigslist. Nada.

snowy grinning
{snowy grinning}

After he had lived with my parents for a couple weeks, they theorized that he might have been purposely lost, due to his complete lack of house training, his tendency to chew on furniture and bolt for the front door whenever it opens and his crack addict like level of energy. In addition, he is admittedly bizarre looking, with a long body, a pronounced underbite and a tail so long it curls over and touches his back. He was white when we got him, but he keeps darkening (making his name more and more ridiculous) and he's developed a racing stripe on his back.


He does have redeeming qualities - he's the most snuggly dog we've ever had and it's wildly entertaining to watch him slam into the walls when he gets worked up. Most importantly, Circe is in love. They spend all day playing and gnawing on each others ears. He cries hysterically if you try to separate them even briefly. She's happier than she's ever been (no longer starts fights with other dogs, no longer hides under the couch in a sulking fit), and now we feel terrible that she was an only dog for so long.

Accidental pets are the best.

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