Monday, October 11, 2010

The weekend, very briefly

Okay, so it turns out that my low carb intake experiment may not have been entirely responsible for how run down I was feeling last week.

sick weekend
{sick weekend}

I have a wicked cold. So basically my Saturday looked like this, but with the pile of tissues mounting by the hour and with the added soundtrack of sneezing and whining - I rarely get sick and when I do I get vocally bitter about how it slows me down.

Sadly (and disrespectfully, in my opinion), the rest of the world doesn't stop when I feel out of sorts, so in addition to congestion, I'm dealing with a combination of various family crises and minor problems and a crazy work week, and I'm tapped out. Needless to say, cooking and crafting and general good life type things are in short supply at the moment. There are two weeks worth of CSA produce backed up in my fridge. I ate an apple for dinner because heating up a frozen veggie burger sounded way too complicated.

I'm taking at least a couple days (possibly a week) off  here to deal with real life. And then I'll be back, amped up for fall and hopefully sniffle free.

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