Monday, March 29, 2010

The weekend, briefly

Another busy weekend, helping out with a few renovations at the family home. Or, Dustin helped renovate. I cooked and stocked the fridge, mostly because I am afraid of power tools (which is completely rational when you grow up with two woodworkers in the family - if you'd spent as much time as I have in the ER, watching hands get stitched up, you'd be wary too). And food always comes in handy.

circe, waiting
{circe, waiting}

brick + stuff
{brick + stuff}

pendant light
{pendant light}

cacti, unpotted
{cacti, unpotted}

cauliflower prep
{cauliflower prep}

circe, tired
{circe, tired}

It should be noted that Circe is far more fond of the kitchen than the woodshop so we got to spend quite a bit of time together this weekend. And she does in fact eat cauliflower, but only once it's roasted.

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