Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday flowers

My flowers from New Year's Eve are still hanging on, barely. I don't have any new pictures of them, sorry. People frequently ask how I make the flowers last and I don't have any genius tips. I do try to remember to dump out the old water and add new every other day. Keeps them from getting gross.

new year's eve table
{another angle}

I'm all awhirl because we're considering a big change - upgrading to a two bedroom apartment!

We had initially thought this might be the year that we purchased a small home, but it definitely isn't. I didn't even post about the house hunt because it was generally depressing (we looked at one place that had safety posts in the front yard because it was so close to a freeway offramp that there was a serious risk of drivers crashing right through the living room - and it was still slightly out of our price range).

I love our little one bedroom apartment, and I love the concept of small space living, but with both of us doing quite a bit of work from home (and work that involves piles of drawings and stacks of sewing) it has become very difficult to keep the crazy out. I think if we have just one extra room that will function as an office/guest room we'll be good to go for many more years.

The price is good - we got into our apartment during a rental boom and right now we're in a rental recession, so upgrading won't be a huge difference financially. It's the moving that scares me. My heart starts to thump (in a not good way) just thinking about it. My mind starts spinning thinking of the time it will take, the boxes I will need, the weeks of re-organization and re-painting. I think Dustin would move every year without any qualms. I, on the other hand, would like to stay in one place for the next couple decades, just to minimize the hassle.

There will be quite a bit of discussion this weekend. Stay tuned.

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