Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holidays, managed (part 3)

This may be the most important tip.

{slow down}

Slow down and know when to quit. Some of us have trouble setting limits, which is how I managed to nearly chop off the tip of my finger a few seasons ago. Making cheesecake with an immersion blender sounds like an okay idea when it's 1 am and you're high on holiday music and feeling pressured.

Last year, I broke down and purchased frozen desserts from Trader Joe's when I was running low on time. And you know what? The world did not collapse. No one even blinked. And I got some extra sleep. Some of you are probably laughing right now but that was a huge step for me.

You don't have to do anything. Seriously. If you are stressed out by the thought of cooking the entire Thanksgiving meal, go order one. I give you permission. Or pick up Chinese food and call it a night. Just don't do it reluctantly. Whatever you decide to do, embrace it joyfully. The holidays are about you and your family and friends. When we lose our focus, it's hard to remember that. You should be doing things that work for you and make you happy (even forgoing celebrations altogether, if that's good for you), not worrying about how your efforts stack up against everyone else's.

And with that, I'm off to make a mess of my kitchen. Have a wonderful, fabulous Thanksgiving, everyone! I'll be back next week.

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