Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pay it forward

I got some sunshine in my mailbox last week.

pay it foward from jac
{isn't her wrapping wonderful?}

The lovely Jac, of Coco Sunday, sent me a handmade zippered pouch and one of her fabulous photographs. I squealed a little bit.

pay it foward from jac
{all hand embroidered!}

And this gift will keep on giving, because it's a pay it forward type of thing. Five of you will receive little packages from me, on the condition that you in turn select five lucky people who will get something from you. It's low pressure - the gifts can be small, and you don't have to get them out immediately.

Interested? Leave a comment here, letting me know if you want to participate. I'll announce my five picks on Friday.

After all, sending pretty packages in the mail is almost as fun as receiving them.

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