Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Me, in blogland

Today I'm featured over at Lynne's amazing blog Tea for Joy, as part of a new project she is doing. Lynne always has the best style finds and inspiration, and now she is doing a series of posts on 2009 style resolutions. The questions are insightful and really get you thinking, so you should head over and see what it's all about.

As a bit of belated holiday cheer, Nesting blog has posted their top five finalists in their gingerbread house contest...and I'm one of them! That's right - you can go check out my gingerbread creation right here. D and I collaborated on it and it is very (very) loosely based on the floor plan of Case Study 22, one of my favorite Los Angeles houses.

And in real life, D surprised me with tickets to see Gillian Welch and David Rawlings tonight! Her voice makes me shiver and his guitar playing is insanely good. If you aren't already in love with them, I highly recommend this CD to start.

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