Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Easing into it

So things have been quiet around here. So quiet that silent is probably a more accurate description. So quiet that this morning I finally opened up my Google reader and let out a screech when I found that I have 1000+ unread items. And that makes me sad because I know that I have missed 1000+ amazing posts from you guys.

I don't usually get too personal on here, but I figure you deserve a little explanation. Two weeks ago my amazing stepfather, who commutes to and from work (over 30 miles a day!) on his road bike, was hit by a van going 40 miles an hour. He is a big banged up mess, but now stable, thankfully. My mom and I have been living at the hospital. Literally - we made them put a cot in his room, which I'm not sure they were too thrilled about. Our lives have been on hold for the last couple weeks and we are just starting to venture out into the world again.

I am grateful that we still have him, that the person who hit him had the courage to call the ambulance and stick around, and that it looks like he will recover as time goes on.

I'll be back with more frivolous, fun posts soon. I still have things to share, etsy items I'm craving and recipes lined up for testing! I even have posts I wrote before the accident, waiting to get put up. And of course I'm dying to get back to reading your blogs and leaving comments. But it might be a bit sporadic for a while longer. Hang in there...I'll be back in full force soon enough.

Balch 1
My mom, me, and my stepfather a couple years ago

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